

June 2024

1. Good morning, welcome to The Mayfair Musings! Can you tell us a little about the history and origins of Row & Ma?

Good morning! Absolutely. The history and origins of Row & Ma Paris date back to just before Covid. I was in my final year of university and chose to create a business plan for my final project instead of a thesis. My mother, who has always been passionate about tea since childhood, had a dream to develop a tea business. We always had a variety of teas at home, so I thought, why not develop this idea further?

We worked on it for a year and presented it to my professors, who loved it. We decided to bring the concept to life. The journey involved extensive research, creating our own recipes, and designing sustainable packaging. We launched our first collection of six signature teas, all created by my mother, who is truly the magician behind our blends. Our ceremonial grade matcha is also of the highest quality. Row & Ma officially launched in January 2021, and it's been an incredible adventure ever since.

2. What sets your tea brand apart from other tea brands in the market?

Row & Ma Paris goes far beyond just tea; it's about embracing a unique experience. It's not just about what's in our blends but also how we want our clients to feel when they drink our tea. We aim to inspire creativity and passion in our customers.

Our teas are unique because my mother creates them all. We offer both classic pure teas like chamomile and matcha, and our six signature blends are truly distinctive. We believe in the power of the senses, and for us, tea is not just a beverage—it's an experience. You can pair our teas with wine or food, cook with them, or even make cocktails. We share ideas and recipes on our website and social media. We also collaborate with chefs and artists to personalize our packaging. Inspiration and creativity are at the core of what we do.

3. How does being a family-run business influence the way you operate and make decisions?

Being a family-run business is a tremendous advantage. Each of us has distinct responsibilities, which makes our collaboration strong. We communicate a lot because we are a close family. I'm an only child and very close to my parents, so we talk every day, not just about life but also about our business.

My mother, the tea maker, focuses on creating our blends. My father handles operations, including dealing with suppliers, accounting, and finances. I handle the commercial aspects and the brand's artistic identity. We never work in silos but respect each other's roles. Our shared purpose goes beyond just making the business work; it's about fulfilling a dream and passion that drives us every day.

4. What are some of the challenges and rewards of running a tea brand in Paris?

Paris itself is a brand, and being based here is a significant asset. Our identity is deeply connected to Paris, a city known for its art, architecture, gastronomy, and culture. We love French food, wine, and nature, and these elements are part of our DNA.

Being in Paris allows us to reach a diverse audience, collaborate with local chefs and artists, and benefit from the city's vibrant energy. However, there are challenges, such as competing with well-established companies. Despite this, we are grateful to be here and inspired by the benchmarks set by other successful Parisian brands.

5. Can you describe the process of sourcing and selecting the tea leaves for your blends? How do you ensure that your teas are of the highest quality and meet the expectations of your customers?

Our sourcing process relies heavily on my mother's expertise. She has an exceptional ability to identify high-quality tea leaves. It's not just about the leaves, though; it's also about how we package the tea. We spent nearly two years developing a teabag that is plastic-free and GMO-free to preserve the quality of our tea.

Quality for us means generosity in our servings, knowledge, and doing things right. We focus on sourcing exceptional and rare teas that you won't find everywhere. Our teas are designed to be aromatic and not bitter, even when infused for a long time. Customer feedback is crucial; we stay in close touch with our customers and listen to their preferences and experiences. We ensure that each teabag is full, reflecting our commitment to generosity and quality. As a premium luxury tea brand, we strive to offer extraordinary teas that stand out in taste and aroma.

6. Can you tell us a little about your favourite teas, and your daily routine with tea?

This really depends on each of us. My father is a big fan of Earl Grey in the morning. My mother is super eclectic - she likes to have a little of everything, but she'll definitely start her day with a matcha. I always start my day with a Matcha with oat milk - it literally brightens my morning. My personal favourite is Detoxology, and I usually drink this after lunch in place of my second coffee. We all like to end our day with Midnight Treasure, right before bedtime.

7. What are some of the most popular and unique tea blends that your brand offers, and what inspired these?

All our teas are special, but a few stand out for their uniqueness. Detoxology, our detox green tea, has a delicious ginger sent and taste nearly like a cake and is meant to detoxify. Our Earl Grey, named Eggs, is majestic and has subtle notes of bergamot. Midnight Treasure is a caffeine-free blend with apple Verbena and notes of Valeriane, perfect for relaxing and having sweet dreams.

Other unique blends include Choc & Pop, a chocolate and popcorn chai, and Mental Vet, a refreshing peppermint tea with real bits of pepper. Each of our six signature teas offers a unique experience, and we hope everyone gets a chance to try them.

8. How do you stay true to your Parisian roots while also appealing to a global audience?

We stay true to our Parisian roots by collaborating with local chefs and restaurants and emphasizing our Parisian identity in our communications. Paris is a brand in itself, and we are proud to be a Parisian brand.

We also adapt to global preferences. For example, peppermint tea is more popular in the UK than in France. We trust my mother's designs but always keep our customers' preferences in mind. We aim to appeal to both our Parisian audience and our global community.

9. Can you share any upcoming collaborations or new products that we can look forward to from your brand

Absolutely! We have some exciting new teas coming out by the end of the year—one black tea and one green tea, each with unique characteristics. We're also collaborating with a beauty brand on a joint project, but I can't reveal too much yet. Stay tuned for more updates!

10. What do you hope customers experience or feel when they enjoy a cup of your tea?

We want our customers to embark on a journey of creativity and inspiration with each cup of our tea. Whether enjoyed with friends or alone, it should be a moment of freedom, allowing them to focus on meaningful ideas and bring them to life.

Our brand started with my mother's passion for tea, which grew into a shared family passion. Now, we're sharing this passion with the world, hoping to inspire others and multiply the joy and creativity we experience every day.

Find out more about Row & Ma and shop online here: